Parution – Body and Society
- Body and Society, mars 2011, vol. 17, n°1
- The Invisible Woman: The Bioaesthetics of Engineered Bodies
- Lesley A. Sharp
- Do Voices Matter? Vocality, Materiality, Gender Performativity
- Annette Schlichter
- The Body and the Senses: Visual Methods, Videography and the Submarine Sensorium
- Stephanie Merchant
- Liminal Biopolitics: Towards a Political Anthropology of the Umbilical Cord and the Placenta
- Pablo Santoro
- Mind/Body Theory and Practice in Tibetan Medicine and Buddhism
- Chikako Ozawa De Silva and Brendan Richard Ozawa-De Silva
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Nahema Hanafi (23 mars 2011). Parution – Body and Society. Corps et Médecine. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse