Parution – Journal of applied gerontology
- Community-Based Versus Institutional Supportive Housing: Perceived Quality of Care, Quality of Life, Emotional Well-Being, and Social Interaction
- Julie Robison, Noreen Shugrue, Irene Reed, Nancy Thompson, Pamela Smith, and Cynthia Gruman
- Evaluation of Telehealth for Preclinic Assessment and Follow-Up in an Interprofessional Rural and Remote Memory Clinic
- Debra G. Morgan, Margaret Crossley, Andrew Kirk, Lesley McBain, Norma J. Stewart, Carl D’Arcy, Dorothy Forbes, Sheri Harder, Vanina Dal Bello-Haas, and Jenny Basran
- “My Grandparent Has Dementia”: How Adolescents Perceive Their Relationship With Grandparents With a Cognitive Impairment
- Montserrat Celdrán, Carme Triadó, and Feliciano Villar
- Conversations About Death: Talking to Residents in Independent, Assisted, and Long-Term Care Settings
- Jennifer Davis-Berman
- Are Old Lesbian and Gay People Well Served?: Understanding the Perceptions, Preparation, and Experiences of Aging Services Providers
- Kelly A. Knochel, Jean K. Quam, and Catherine F. Croghan
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Nahema Hanafi (3 mai 2011). Parution – Journal of applied gerontology. Corps et Médecine. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse