Appel à contribution – Annual Graduate Student Conference on the History of Medicine
Columbia University, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2011
Each year, this conference brings together a variety of graduate students engaged in different facets of the history of medicine. Our goal is to provide scholars early in their careers with a venue for presenting work and networking with fellow scholars. In addition to showcasing work and exchanging ideas, we use this as a forum for discussing the current state of an everchanging and highly interdisciplinary field. We welcome graduate students hailing from other disciplines – history, cultural studies, gender studies, lit studies, etc.
The deadline is just around the corner: June 1, 2011
To view the call for abstracts, please follow this link:
Abstracts may be submitted online at:
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Nahema Hanafi (23 mai 2011). Appel à contribution – Annual Graduate Student Conference on the History of Medicine. Corps et Médecine. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse