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Parution – Medical humanities

Parution – Medical humanities


Medical humanities, vol. 37, issue 2, december 2011

Medical humanities and the on-going search for reliability, authenticity and humility

    • Deborah Kirklin

Illness narratives: reliability, authenticity and the empathic witness

    • Johanna Shapiro


The limits of narrative: provocations for the medical humanities

    • Angela Woods

Medical humanities as expressive of Western culture

    • Claire Hooker,
    • Estelle Noonan

The arts and medicine: a challenging relationship

    • Paul Ulhas Macneill

The humanising power of medical history: responses to biomedicine in the 20th century United States

    • John Harley Warner

Body-conscious Shakespeare: sensory disturbances in troubled characters

    • Kenneth W Heaton

Plagued by kindness: contagious sympathy in Shakespearean drama

    • Eric Langley

The glue ear ‘epidemic’: a historical perspective

    • David Alderson

The ‘I’ of the beholder: studying the ‘self’ across the humanities and neuroscience

    • Alessia Pannese

‘Why, why did you have me treated?’: the psychotic experience in a literary narrative

    • A A Kaptein,
    • J J E Koopman,
    • J A Weinman,
    • M J Gosselink

Confluence: understanding medical humanities through street theatre

    • Setu Gupta,
    • Satendra Singh

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Nahema Hanafi (24 novembre 2011). Parution – Medical humanities. Corps et Médecine. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse