From Moral Treatment to Psychological Therapies: Psychotherapeutics from the York Retreat to the Present Day
Conference Programme
Friday 11th October
10.30 Registration opens, Old Refectory, UCL Main Building
11.00-11.30 Welcome address
11.30-12.30 18th and 19th Centuries
Edward Brown (Independent scholar) François Leuret: Nineteenth Century Psychotherapist
Sharlene Walbaum (Quinnipian University, Connecticut) Moral Therapies Before the York Retreat: Work and Therapeutics in 18th C English and Scottish Asylums’
Andrea Korenjak (Paris-Lodron-University, Salzburg) Music and “Moral Treatment”: Music as Therapeutic Medium in the 19th Century as Reflected in Present-Day Music Therapy Concepts
Lunch 12.30-14.00
14.00-15.00 Late 19th Century
Sarah Chaney (University College London) The Action of the Imagination: Daniel Hack Tuke and Late Victorian Psychotherapeutics
Thibaud Trochu (University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne) Lourdes’s ‘miraculous’ healings as viewed by a protestant scientis
C. Bartolucci and G.P Lombardo (University of Rome Sapienza) The renewal in the diagnosis and treatment of the abnormal subjects according to Enrico Morselli (1852-1929)
15.00-15.30 coffee break
15.30-16.30 Early-Mid 20th Century
Monika Ankele (University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf) Occupational Therapy in Germany during the Weimar Period (1918-1933)
David Freis (European University Institute, Florence) Subordination, Authority, Psychotherapy: Mental Hygiene and Politics in Interwar Vienna
Simon Taylor (Columbia University New York) Between Philosophy and Psychotherapeutics: Existential Analysis and the Birth of Anxiety
16.30-17.10 Psychiatry in the ‘60s and ‘70s
Peter Agulnik, Craig Fees, David Kennard, David Millard, & John Hall (British Psychological Society)
Kateřina Lišková (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Everything for the Couple: Sex Therapy in Czechoslovakia during Normalization
Saturday 12th October
11.00-12.00 Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Susan Lamb (McGill University) Importing, Appropriating, and Condemning Psychoanalysis: Adolf Meyer’s Use of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Technique at Johns Hopkins, 1913-1917
Arthur Eaton (University College London)Undercurrents: the history of lay psycho-analysis in the USA
Dee McQuillan (University College London) Bringing Psychoanalysis to Bloomsbury: Strachey and the Translation of Freud into English.
12.00-13.30 lunch
13.30-14.30 Art Therapies
Susan Hogan History of Art Therapy
Imogen Wiltshire (University of Birmingham) On the Historical Origins of British Art Therapy: Arthur Segal, Painting and German Modernism
Cristina Hanganu-Bresch (University of the Sciences, Philadelphia) The Proof is in the Brush-Stroke: Diagnosing and Treating Psychiatric Patients through Art
14.30-15.30 coffee break
15.30-16.30 Transcultural Contexts
Nancy Rose Hunt (University of Michigan) Neurasthenia and Vernacular Therapies the Colonial Situation of the Congo
Yu-Chuan Wu (Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan) Psychotherapy at Home: Morita Therapy for Neurotic Disposition in Japan, 1919-1945
Roland Littlewood (University College London) Anthropological Approaches and Transcultural Psychiatry
Sunday 13th October
11.00-12.00 New Paradigms in Modern Psychotherapy
Sonu Shamdasani (University College London) Notes on Wellbeing in 20th Century Psychotherapy
Felicity Callard (University of Durham) Behavioural Therapy and the Calibration of Anxiety
Rachel Rosner (Independent Scholar) To Manualize Psychotherapy: Aaron T. Beck and the Creation of the Manualized Treatment Protocol
12.00.-13.30 lunch
13.30-14.30 Hallucinogens and Psychotherapy
Matei Iagher (University College London) Ronald Sandison and the Use of LSD in Psychotherapy
Jelena Martinovic (University of Lausanne) Bootstrappers Seeking to Understand Creativity: Experimental Science, Psychiatry and Cybernetics (1960-1970)
Sarah Marks Stanislav Grof and LSD Psychotherapy
14.30-15.00 coffee break
15.00-16.00 Concepts and Debates in Modern Psychotherapy
Stephanie Pache (University of Lausanne) Feminist Therapy: How Feminism Shapes Psychotherapy
Ulrich Koch (Johns Hopkins University) Cruel to be kind? The politics of professionalism and the controversies over therapists’ displays of emotions in the consulting room (ca. 1940-1980)
Andreas Sommer (University of Cambridge) Discarnate Spirits as Pathogens and Cure in Modern Western Psychiatry
16.00 Conference End
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Nahema Hanafi (7 octobre 2013). Colloque – From Moral Treatment to Psychological Therapies: Psychotherapeutics from the York Retreat to the Present Day. Corps et Médecine. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse